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Town of residence or Business Name
Secure the perfect land for your future with our flexible Vacant Land Loans.
As your trusted community bank in Wisconsin and Minnesota, we specialize in vacant land loans to help you secure that perfect piece of real estate! You can take out a land loan to purchase land for future construction, farming, recreational purposes or simply as an investment. With Forward Bank’s deep roots in the rural communities, we understand the local landscape and are committed to helping you achieve your goals.
Financing a property on which to build your dream home may be more complex than applying for a mortgage, but the local mortgage experts at Forward Bank are here to help! We’re ready to guide you through each option and provide you with the best vacant land loan for your future goals.
We’re committed to helping our Wisconsin and Minnesota neighbors find the perfect plot of land for their future home. Explore our tools and resources, including FAQs and calculators, to guide you through every step of the vacant land loan process.