Deposit Rates

At Forward Bank, located in Wisconsin and Minnesota, discover competitive rates for savings, checking, CDs, and IRAs to help you achieve your financial goals.

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Savings Accounts Interest Rates

Effective Date: 1/18/2025

Intererst rates for the Savings accounts.
AccountMinimum to OpenInterest RateAPY**Minimum to Earn APY**
AccountStatement Savings*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.05APY**0.05Minimum to Earn APY**$100
AccountStatement Savings*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.05APY**0.05Minimum to Earn APY**$2,500
AccountFuture Savers*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.05APY**0.05Minimum to Earn APY**$100
AccountFuture Savers*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.05APY**0.05Minimum to Earn APY**$2,500
AccountStudent Savings*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.05APY**0.05Minimum to Earn APY**$100
AccountStudent Savings*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.05APY**0.05Minimum to Earn APY**$2,500

These interest rates are subject to change without advance notice.

APY assumes interest is added to account.

Term Certificates of Deposit and IRAs may be subject to early withdrawal penalty.

**APY=Annual Percentage Yield

*Rates could change after account is opened.

Checking Accounts Interest Rates

Effective Date: 1/18/2025

Interst rates for Checking Accounts.
AccountMinimum to OpenInterest RateAPY**Minimum to Earn APY**
AccountPremium Fast Forward*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.05APY**0.05Minimum to Earn APY**$0
AccountPremium Fast Forward*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate 0.10APY** 0.10Minimum to Earn APY**$100,000
AccountMomentum Checking*† (Requirements are met)Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate3.00APY**3.03Minimum to Earn APY**$0 – $15,000.00
AccountMomentum Checking*† (Requirements are met)Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.01APY**0.01Minimum to Earn APY**$15,000.00+
AccountMomentum Checking*† (Requirements are NOT met)Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.01APY**0.01Minimum to Earn APY**$0
AccountCMMA*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.35APY**0.35Minimum to Earn APY**$100
AccountCMMA*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.70APY**0.70Minimum to Earn APY**$50,000
AccountCMMA*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.85APY**0.85Minimum to Earn APY**$100,000
AccountCMMA*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate1.20APY**1.20Minimum to Earn APY**$250,000
AccountCMMA*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate1.35APY**1.36Minimum to Earn APY**$1,000,000
AccountBCMMA*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.35APY**0.35Minimum to Earn APY**$100
AccountBCMMA*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.70APY**0.70Minimum to Earn APY**$50,000
AccountBCMMA*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.85APY**0.85Minimum to Earn APY**$100,000
AccountBCMMA*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate1.20APY**1.20Minimum to Earn APY**$250,000
AccountBCMMA*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate1.35APY**1.35Minimum to Earn APY**$1,000,000
AccountHealth Savings Account*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.05APY**0.05Minimum to Earn APY** $0
AccountHealth Savings Account*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.05APY**0.05Minimum to Earn APY**$2,500
AccountNon-Profit Checking*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.05APY**0.05Minimum to Earn APY**$0
AccountMunicipal Checking*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.30APY**0.30Minimum to Earn APY**$0
AccountMunicipal Checking*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.60APY**0.60Minimum to Earn APY**$100,000
AccountMunicipal Checking*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.75APY**0.75Minimum to Earn APY**$250,000

These interest rates are subject to change without advance notice.

APY assumes interest is added to account.

Term Certificates of Deposit and IRA’s may be subject to early withdrawal penalty.

**APY=Annual Percentage Yield.

*Rates could change after account is opened.

† APY is paid on balances up to, and including, $15,000.00 provided all other account requirements are met for the current statement cycle. For balances $15,000.01 and above, the interest rate and APY of 0.01% will be paid on the portion of your daily balance that is $15,000.00 or greater. If requirements are not met, the interest rate of 0.01% APY will be applied to all balance amounts.

Certificate of Deposit (CD) Interest Rates

Effective Date: 1/18/2025

Interest rates for Certificates of Deposit.
AccountMinimum to OpenInterest RateAPY**Minimum to Earn APY**
Account6 Month CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate0.65APY**0.65Minimum to Earn APY**$500
Account6 Month CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate0.70APY**0.70Minimum to Earn APY**$10,000
Account6 Month CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate0.75APY**0.75Minimum to Earn APY**$25,000
Account9 Month CDMinimum to Open$5,000Interest Rate 4.93APY**5.01Minimum to Earn APY**$5,000
Account1 Year CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate0.90APY**0.90Minimum to Earn APY**$500
Account1 Year CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate0.95APY**0.95Minimum to Earn APY** $10,000
Account1 Year CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate1.00APY**1.00Minimum to Earn APY**$25,000
Account3D-CD (19 Mo.)*Minimum to Open$5,000Interest Rate4.08APY**4.14Minimum to Earn APY**$500
Account3D-CD (19 Mo.)*Minimum to Open$5,000Interest Rate4.19APY**4.25Minimum to Earn APY**$25,000
Account2 Year CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate1.15APY**1.15Minimum to Earn APY**$500
Account2 Year CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate1.20APY**1.20Minimum to Earn APY**$10,000
Account2 Year CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate1.25APY**1.25Minimum to Earn APY**$25,000
Account3D-CD (30 Mo.)*Minimum to Open$1,000Interest Rate1.20APY**1.20Minimum to Earn APY**$500
Account3D-CD (30 Mo.)*Minimum to Open$1,000Interest Rate1.25APY**1.25Minimum to Earn APY**$25,000
Account3 Year CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate1.40APY**1.41Minimum to Earn APY**$500
Account3 Year CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate1.45APY**1.46Minimum to Earn APY**$10,000
Account3 Year CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate1.50APY**1.51Minimum to Earn APY**$25,000
Account3D-CD (40 Mo.)*Minimum to Open$1,000Interest Rate1.45APY**1.46Minimum to Earn APY**$500
Account3D-CD (40 Mo.)*Minimum to Open$1,000Interest Rate1.50APY**1.51Minimum to Earn APY**$5,000
Account4 Year CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate1.65APY**1.66Minimum to Earn APY**$500
Account4 Year CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate1.70APY**1.71Minimum to Earn APY**$10,000
Account4 Year CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate1.75APY**1.76Minimum to Earn APY**$25,000
Account5 Year CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate1.90APY**1.91Minimum to Earn APY**$500
Account5 Year CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate1.95APY** 1.96Minimum to Earn APY**$10,000
Account5 Year CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate 2.00APY**2.01Minimum to Earn APY**$25,000

These interest rates are subject to change without advance notice.

APY assumes interest is added to account.

Term Certificates of Deposit and IRA’s may be subject to early withdrawal penalty.**

APY=Annual Percentage Yield.

*Rates could change after account is opened.

†Must have a checking account with direct deposit Forward Bank.

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) Interest Rates

Effective Date: 1/18/2025

Intererst rates for Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs).
AccountMinimum to OpenInterest RateAPY**Minimum to Earn APY**
Account9-Month IRA CDMinimum to Open$5,000Interest Rate 4.52APY** 4.60Minimum to Earn APY**$5,000
Account1 Year IRA CDMinimum to Open $100Interest Rate0.90APY** 0.90Minimum to Earn APY**$100
Account1 Year IRA CDMinimum to Open $100Interest Rate0.95APY** 0.95Minimum to Earn APY**$10,000
Account1 Year IRA CDMinimum to Open $100Interest Rate1.00APY**1.00Minimum to Earn APY**$25,000
Account18 Month IRA CDMinimum to Open $100Interest Rate1.00APY**1.00Minimum to Earn APY**$100
Account18 Month IRA CDMinimum to Open $100Interest Rate 1.05APY** 1.05Minimum to Earn APY**$10,000
Account18 Month IRA CDMinimum to Open $100Interest Rate1.10APY**1.10Minimum to Earn APY**$25,000
Account3 Year IRA CDMinimum to Open $100Interest Rate1.40APY**1.41Minimum to Earn APY**$100
Account3 Year IRA CDMinimum to Open $100Interest Rate 1.45APY**1.46Minimum to Earn APY**$10,000
Account3 Year IRA CDMinimum to Open $100Interest Rate1.50APY**1.51Minimum to Earn APY**$25,000
Account5 Year IRA CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate1.90APY** 1.91Minimum to Earn APY**$100
Account5 Year IRA CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate 1.95APY**1.96Minimum to Earn APY**$10,000
Account5 Year IRA CDMinimum to Open$500Interest Rate2.00APY**2.01Minimum to Earn APY**$25,000
AccountIRA Savings*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.30APY**0.30Minimum to Earn APY**$0
Account9 Month RothMinimum to Open$5,000Interest Rate4.93APY**5.01Minimum to Earn APY**$5,000
Account1 Year RothMinimum to Open$100Interest Rate0.90APY**0.90Minimum to Earn APY**$100
Account1 Year RothMinimum to Open$100Interest Rate0.95APY**0.95Minimum to Earn APY**$10,000
Account1 Year RothMinimum to Open$100Interest Rate1.00APY**1.00Minimum to Earn APY**$25,000
Account3 Year RothMinimum to Open$100Interest Rate1.40APY**1.41Minimum to Earn APY**$100
Account3 Year RothMinimum to Open$100Interest Rate 1.45APY**1.46Minimum to Earn APY**$10,000
Account3 Year RothMinimum to Open$100Interest Rate1.50APY**1.51Minimum to Earn APY**$25,000
Account5 Year RothMinimum to Open$100Interest Rate1.90APY**1.91Minimum to Earn APY**$100
Account5 Year RothMinimum to Open$100Interest Rate 1.95APY** 1.95Minimum to Earn APY**$10,000
Account5 Year RothMinimum to Open$100Interest Rate2.00APY**2.00Minimum to Earn APY**$25,000
AccountRoth IRA Savings*Minimum to Open$0Interest Rate0.30APY**0.30Minimum to Earn APY**$0

These interest rates are subject to change without advance notice.

APY assumes interest is added to account.

Term Certificates of Deposit and IRA’s may be subject to early withdrawal penalty.

**APY=Annual Percentage Yield.*Rates could change after account is opened.

Learn more about IRAs including contribution limits and types from the IRS website.

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